Tuesday, July 26, 2011


CATA COMP is a benefit compilation we've compiled to help save the Center for the Advancement of Transmodern Awareness, based in Kansas City, MO. All tracks are SUPERGENEROUSLY donated to the cause by some truly amazing artists, and it should be stated that SSR does not own rights to any of them, so this is not for sale-sale per se. However, it will be for sale @ the CATA benefit show either this Saturday or Sunday with all proceeds going directly into CATA's next rent check. Help come out and make it a great show!

10 Tapes / 10 CD's - $10 Tapes - $5 CD's

1.) I Love You - They Landed A Basketball Spaceship (off of: 'Feeling Bad To Feel Better')
2.) Buoyant Sea - Art Gallery (off of 'Virtual Patience')
3.) Scammers - Art World (Crucial Sesh Tapes)
4.) Expo '70 - Sleeping Corpse II: Cold Forecasting (off of 'Psychosis')
5.) Goodwillies - Orfeu Fosfenu 2 (Human Penis Remix)
6.) Fire For Effect - All Your Based Belong To The Ultrademon
7.) CHRIS - Birdbrain

Find & purchase more from all these SUPERGENEROUS awesome dudes @

And of course, let's not forget CATA itself @

SS01: SCAMMERS - The Crucial Sesh Tapes

Scammers is the experimental pop duo of Phil Diamond & Sarabeth Dunton-Diamond. We like to think of it as what Neil Diamond would have sounded like if he had drum machines & a deviated septum & was 20 years old in the mid 80's. The Crucial Sesh Tapes are composed of songs about art scenes, being a broke white kid, unnecessary jealousy, and dead pets.

Crucial Sesh Tapes on 32C Cassette - Limited to 50 copies
Crucial Sesh Tapes on CDR - 50 copies

Upcoming Shows
7/28: Kansas City, MO @ Firehouse w/Ceephax (UK), The Flashbulb, Bartel
8/3: Lincoln, NE @ Bourbon Theatre
8/4: Lawrence, KS @ Replay Lounge w/Small Bones (NOLA)
8/5: Ames, IA @ Ames Progressive w/Irkutsk (NE)
8/6: Fairfield, IA @ The Beauty Shop
8/7: Minneapolis, MN @ TBA
8/8: Madison, WI @ House Show
8/9: Milwaukee, WI @ TBA
8/10: Chicago, IL
8/11: Chicago, IL @ Drone City w/ I Love You (CHI)
8/14: Detroit, MI @ Trumbull Plex w/Cool Memories (CHI)