Sunday, August 28, 2011


New stuff! Cold House is opening up for shows in KC until the cops shut us down and land us with a $700 fine. And then we'll probably have a benefit show to help pay that off. Here's what's scheduled so far:

Hyrrokkin - experimental acid rock-ish stuff from Ohio. Think Acid Mothers Temple.
Ex Fag Cop - awesome punk from Lawrence, Ks. Rad dudes.
Scammers - us with our all new stuff & a bass player!
Blondie Brunetti - you know what that is

SAT 10/22: SHOW 9PM
Planets - really really good all girl punk band from Austin, Texas. They're really, really good.
Scammers - us again. hell, we live here.
Kidz Bop (maybe) - I don't know what it is but it's supposed to be awesome.

WED 10/26: SHOW 9PM
Sleeping In The Aviary - (Minneapolis, MN). On our last tour, we were stuck in Madison, WI., and these guys emailed us the same day our friend had said they were the best live band he'd ever seen. So, check this out, for real!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


After a successful two weeks of touring the north/midwest, Scammers returned to Kansas City against their will and started work on the next album, which will be MORE SYNTHY, MORE BETTER, & PRETTY
80'S! This should come out sometime in October.

Upcoming Shows:
9/11 Minneapolis, MN @ Ben's house
9/12 Sioux City, SD @ Latitude 44 w/Infaux
9/13 Lincoln, NE @ TBA
9/17 Kansas City, MO @ Cold House w/Hyrrokkinn, Fag Cop
9/22 Kansas City, MO @ Firehouse w/Samantha Glass
10/22 Kansas City, MO @ Cold House w/Planets
10/26 Kansas City, MO @ TBA w/ Sleeping In The Aviary

Check out some footage from their Chicago performance @ Schwag City on Vimeo, here: